There's an Almost Never Shared Formula

That Online Millionaires Have Secretly Used Since The Beginning of The Internet to Create INSTANT and Ongoing CashFlow...  And it Works 100% of The Time You Use it!

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Do You Want FREEDOM Faster?

There Are Two Options:

Option 1:  Keep going at it alone, waste more time, and hope you figure out the EXACT formula before you go broke.

(Missing even one part means you fail!)

Option 2:  Get the Freedom Launchpad and take the FAST TRACK to RESULTS!  Get step by step direction, training, and 24/7 guidance from a community of successful people waiting to help you!

(No Thanks.. I'll do it on my own for now.  Just Let me access the Escape Plan book)

Answer This Question...

What Does True Freedom

Mean to You?

Does FREEDOM For You Mean...

Leaving That Job You Hate

You know that your soul sucking job is putting you in a "zombie-like" wake, work, eat, sleep existence... and you want to wake up excited every day to LIVE the life of your dreams.

Complete Financial Security

You dream daily about how awesome it would feel to have financial abundance that not only pays all of your bills with ease... but gives you the freedom to spend on your family, and travel, and hobbies, investments, and charities without a single worry.

Taking Control of Your Time

You see the clock spinning and know that your time is the most precious commodity.  You want to spend your time with the people that you love the most... serving the communities and causes that speak to your heart.

Pursuing Your Dreams and Desires

You feel that aching tug at your heart telling you that you are here to be more, do more, and serve more.  There are gifts and dreams inside of you that are meant to be shared with the world that NEED to come out,

Whatever FREEDOM means to you, I want you to know this...

It's not as far off as you think.

Especially when you understand that there is a formula for creating FREEDOM online that works 100% of the time.

And as soon as you stop buying the lie that you have to work for 40 years, slaving away for 40 to 60 hours per week to "someday" be free...

And you join the community of over 60,000 people who have decided to learn this simple formula...

You'll be able to create any level of freedom you want in as little as 30 minutes per day.  

In fact, I am going to show you how to create any level wealth you desire, in a way that gives you an abundance of time and FREEDOM to actually enjoy your life right now!

But, before I tell you HOW, let me ask you...

Do You Want to...

Create sustainable, long term wealth online giving people products and services you can be proud of?

Pursue your passions, purpose, and desires in a way that creates time... allowing you to design and change your life as you see fit?

Work from anywhere in the world that you want to on your own time schedule?

Create long term positive change in the people, communities, and causes that you love?

And do it all in a way that's based on principles, skills, and a legitimate business model... not some scheme, or scam, or "get rich quick" nonsense that you'd be embarrassed about?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions above, I want to show you how we've been helping people all over the world create complete wealth, time, and lifestyle FREEDOM in as little as 30 minutes per day...

So You Can Change Your Life Forever!

JD Angel

"What I love about the FreedomLaunchPad formula is that it is founded upon principles. The keys to long term success have and always will be held by those who operate based on principles of service and value that never change. This is why I am highly recommending the FreedomLaunchPad formula. If you are looking to build a real business, with long term results… then you have found right place. Congratulations to Nick and team for creating such a wonderful people and principle centered product!"

Here's How FREEDOM LaunchPad Works...

>> Step 1:

Access Freedom Launchpad

FREEDOMLaunchPad will in an instant launch you into your time, financial, and lifestyle freedom at rocket like speed.

You'll get a PROVEN to work 100% of the time formula for creating cashflow in minutes.

This is NOT how the rest of the world creates wealth.  You'll quickly discover how to stop trading all of your precious time away for pennies, and enjoy unlimited daily cashflow 24/7 whether you're "working" or not.

>> Step 2:

Apply The Freedom Formula

You will get a step by step, over the shoulder walkthrough of how to set up an unlimited amount of cashflow online, based around anything you love.

PLUS, access to our 24/7 LIVE community of "Freedom Crusaders" to personally guide you.

Following the simple steps... you'll be able to create new cashflow in minutes anytime you want, and then run a highly profitable online business in 30 minutes per day or less

>> Step 3:

Turn 3 Simple Daily Steps Into FREEDOM!

Thanks to simple automation tools that work FOR YOU even when you're not working, and our unique 30 Minute Workday strategies... you can now create unlimited streams of nearly INSTANT cashflow online.

Then... you can build, maintain, and grow your level of cashflow to ANY level you want using just 3 simple, PROVEN steps that I've used to be free and work a 30 Minute workday for over 15 years and counting! 

It's That Simple...

You'll have the ability to create more cashflow whenever you want for the rest of your life!

And it all only takes 30 minutes per day once you've applied the formula!

Building legitimate, PROVEN cashflow online doing something you love is much more simple than the "Gurus" want you to believe.

Because once you know the truth... you can stop buying all of the crap they make you think you need.  You don't need any of it!

As soon as you see that... and you start applying the step by step process inside of the FREEDOMLaunchPad training...

You'll literally be able to create as much wealth and freedom as you want.

(No Thanks.. I'll do it on my own for now.  Just Let me access the Escape Plan book)

Amy Starr Allen

"I wish I would have had The Formula when I was starting out as an internet marketer 15 years ago. It has completely changed my business and my perspective even after all of these years that I've been marketing online- it's a game changer. And, even more importantly, I'm so excited that with The Formula I'm now able to help new marketers eliminate the learning curve and to be able to give people access to ALL of the foundational principles needed to create long term wealth in a step-by-step process."

Here's Everything You're Getting Lifetime Access to...

Complete Step by Step Over The Shoulder FREEDOMLaunchPad Training Series  (Value:  $497)

Step by step, over the shoulder video training on how to set up unlimited income streams online in minutes that you can run in 30 minutes or less per day!

This simple 7 step process will allow you to create a long term, stable, recurring income online...

In as little as 30 minutes per day, starting in the next 48 hours or less...

Doing something you love and are passionate about...

Without ever creating a single product...

Without having to build complicated sales funnels...

Without being a copywriting expert...

Without having to deal with any customer service or product delivery...

Even if you've got little or no experience, and you're still trying to make your first dime online!

And you'll be able to create this cash-flow online while letting other people do all of the hard, techy, expensive, time consuming stuff for you!

Inside you'll learn:

  • The mostly "Done for you" sales formula that creates nearly INSTANT Cash-Flow 100% of the time.

  • Who your perfect customers are who want to pay you right now before you even ask (PLUS, exactly where they are hiding in plain site).

  • Simple one page strategy that allows you to make more sales online than nearly everyone else on autopilot.

  • The little used, or even talked about strategy to getting endless traffic to any site you want to online in the next 24 hours.

  • The two "Done For You pages that will create cash-flow for you 24/7 when you're NOT working, so you can live the life while you love while money continuously pours in.

  • How to add UNLIMITED streams of cash-flow in minutes using this super simple "Done For You" product strategy.

BONUS #1 - My Million Dollar Done For You Templates

These are the same pages I use to convert all of my visitors to INSTANT sales in any niche, and for ANY product or service you can think of.  Edit them in 2 minutes and they can produce cash-flow for you 24/7 for years!  (Value $197)

BONUS #2 - 24/7 Access to Our LIVE Help and Support Community

Every day, 24 hours per day there will be a community of people "just like you" to interact with, ask questions, get help, be inspired by, share ideas, and more.  PLUS, you'll have LIVE access to multiple 7 figure earning online marketers and entrepreneurs whose main goal is to help you achieve FREEDOM faster.  (Value $97/mo.)

BONUS #3 - Lifetime Access to All Future Updates

Our goal is for you to have FREEDOM for life.  So this training will always be filled with the most up to date, what's working "RIGHT NOW" principle based training, strategies. (Value $297)

Total Value:  $1,088!

Get INSTANT Lifetime Access to All of This Training, Plus Any Future Upgrades Today!

Just a Single ONE TIME EVER Payment of Only $27!

(No Thanks.. I'll do it on my own for now.  Just Let me access the Escape Plan book)

Lewy Jolley

"Thank you so much for sharing The FreedomLaunchPad formula with me. I have been trying for years to make money online with no success.  I have spent a lot of money in trying to understand all the pieces. For the very first time in March 2020 I made a sale online following the formula you outline. In a little over 90 days later I made top ten affiliate for the products I was selling. Thank you so so much."

Need More?  Here's the Best Part...

What you're about to get access to is a wealth producing FORMULA that is based on Principles that are PROVEN to work for as long as you want to create income online.

Not "get rich quick," or shady bizopps that will be gone in 90 days.

Not hype, or tricks, or secrets either.

In fact, once you have this simple formula...

You'll be able to pull money out of thin air whenever you want to for the rest of your life with a legitimate, real online business that you love and are proud of.

I know it sounds crazy because you're probably thinking all of this "Internet Stuff" is so overwhelming and complicated.

I know that you've been conditioned to think that it'll take months and even years to figure out.

And with all of that going on in your head, it's no wonder creating a long term, residual income online seems like nothing more than a pipe dream at this point.

But, I want you to...

Get Excited... The Step by Step Help You Need is Here!

You've officially been invited to get the step by step help you NEED so you can be creating a long term, stable, recurring income online...

In as little as 30 minutes per day...

Starting in as little as 48 hours or less!

Doing something you love and are passionate about.

Without ever creating a single product.

Without having to build complicated sales funnels.

Without being a copywriting expert.

Without having to deal with any customer service or product delivery.

Even if you've got limited or no experience, and are still trying to make your first dime online.

And you'll be able to create this income online while letting other people do all of the hard, techy, time consuming stuff for you!

In fact...

When you build an online business The 30 Minute Workday™ way...

Websites, ad copy, products, sales funnels, training, traffic, customer service can all be DONE FOR YOU...

And YOU keep the profits!  

You've Been Lied To!

(I was too for a long time)

Listen... I get why you think it's hard to create an income online.

Especially one that can keep paying you every single month for years (even decades).

I've been there too.

For years, I played along (and PAID along) as the endless "experts" and "gurus" fed me tiny little pieces of the whole puzzle.  

With each product I bought, they'd give me just enough to keep me confused and trying to put it all together by myself.

Knowing that when they released the next new thing, or the next piece of the puzzle... they could get me to pull out my credit card once again.

Which, of course... only left me more confused.

It was an endless cycle that not only left me broke...

But I was nearly $50,000 in Debt and Still Not Creating Any Income online!

Finally though, I found somebody who would actually give me the entire puzzle.  

Every piece that was needed to help me get the results I was looking for...

The ability to create a long term, 7 figure business online!

But here's the catch...

I Had to Pay $15,000 to Get You This Formula!

Not only that... but I had to travel over 4,000 miles and battle a Tsunami to meet the man who gave it to me (I'll let you read about that in the book).

And even then...

It wasn't the perfected version that you are getting today.

It wasn't the version that allows you to work only 30 Minutes per day...

Doing something as simple as sending a single email.

After I had it, I actually had to spend 4 months locked in my office away from my family and my life.

I was working non stop creating my own products, building my own membership site, connecting with a merchant so I could accept payments...

Plus, I had to pay ten's of thousands of dollars more for website design, logos, and getting everything connected.

Not only was it super expensive, but I had to work so much to get it done, that I almost literally only came out of my office to eat and sleep during those 4 months.

But, here's what happened when I finally got everything all together and launched...

I Made $93,518 in The First 30 Days Using The Formula!

(But what you're getting is better)

What you're getting access to is not just better... it's light years ahead of what made me nearly $100,000 in just 30 days!

Because while what I had just been given obviously worked to create income... it didn't give me what I actually wanted.

What I am guessing that YOU actually want too when it really comes down to it...

You want FREEDOM!

You want the ability to create as much income as you want in your life, while at the same time creating massive TIME.  Because...

Freedom = Time + Money

If you don't have both time and money, you will never have the absolute freedom you desire. 

And what you may have never been taught, because it's one of the highly guarded secrets of the ultra wealthy (those with massive amounts of money AND time) is this...

You CAN create income in very little amounts of time, and even not working at all...

And if you ever want true freedom, you MUST! 

This absolute FREEDOM is my ultimate goal for you!

Freedom to NEVER Worry About Money!

Freedom to spend as much TIME as possible with the people that you love the most.

Freedom to pursue whatever you feel in your heart to be your true callings and purpose in life.

Freedom to serve the people, and communities, and causes that make you want to jump out of bed in the morning excited and with passion.

Freedom to stop just existing in life and to LIVE a life of passion, and fun, and adventure.

And to have that kind of freedom, you need to be able to create income in a way that gives you the TIME to be able to do all of those things.

You're Getting The PERFECT FREEDOM Formula!

I have perfected that formula that made me $93,518 in just 30 days...

And I made it possible to create that same type of income in WAY less time...

That takes almost no money to get started.

That can be generating leads and income online in as little as 48 hours... even if you're brand new.

That doesn't require you to build websites, or products, or services.

That gets other people to do all of the hard, techy, time consuming, and expensive stuff FOR YOU... FOR FREE!

That last part seems sneaky, but it's not.  They actually WANT to do it for you!  

Basically... I perfected the formula to fit into The 30 Minute Workday™ lifestyle that I love!

(and that I know you have been wanting too!)

And this perfected, simple, step by step process of creating massive, ongoing, LONG TERM wealth...

In as little as 30 minutes per day...

Is what I want to give you immediate access to right  now.

Are you Starting to See The Life Changing VALUE Here?

Kevin Sousa

"I never believed in a million years that spending 5 minutes typing a simple email would result in pulling money out of thin air.   Not only did that become true, but now we have a proven, Freedom LaunchPad that we can share with people who are willing to learn and willing to work.  I am grateful that Nick, Mike and Paul have provided this powerful Formula to not only help me, but to help those who follow 3 simple steps into their own Freedom!"

Robin Williams

"The FreedomLaunchPad Formula has literally reignited my long lost dream of being a successful email marketer. Going from making sales every few months while sweating over social media marketing to literally being placed right in front of my targeted prospects and making multiple sales in a week has proven to be The Best Marketing Strategy I Have Ever used! If you’re wanting success online, you want the FreedomLaunchPad Formula!"

Here's a Recap of

Everything You'll Be Getting INSTANT Access to...

Complete Step by Step Over The Shoulder FREEDOMLaunchPad Training Series (Value: $497)

Step by step, over the shoulder video training on how to set up unlimited income streams online in minutes that you can run in 30 minutes or less per day!

This simple 7 step process will allow you to create a long term, stable, recurring income online...

In as little as 30 minutes per day, starting in the next 48 hours or less...

Doing something you love and are passionate about...

Without ever creating a single product...

Without having to build complicated sales funnels...

Without being a copywriting expert...

Without having to deal with any customer service or product delivery...

Even if you've got little or no experience, and you're still trying to make your first dime online!

And you'll be able to create this cash-flow online while letting other people do all of the hard, techy, expensive, time consuming stuff for you!

Inside you'll learn:

  • The mostly "Done for you" sales formula that creates nearly INSTANT Cash-Flow 100% of the time.

  • Who your perfect customers are who want to pay you right now before you even ask (PLUS, exactly where they are hiding in plain site).

  • Simple one page strategy that allows you to make more sales online than nearly everyone else on autopilot.

  • The little used, or even talked about strategy to getting endless traffic to any site you want to online in the next 24 hours.

  • The two "Done For You pages that will create cash-flow for you 24/7 when you're NOT working, so you can live the life while you love while money continuously pours in.

  • How to add UNLIMITED streams of cash-flow in minutes using this super simple "Done For You" product strategy.

BONUS #1 - My Million Dollar Done For You Templates

These are the same pages I use to convert all of my visitors to INSTANT sales in any niche, and for ANY product or service you can think of.  Edit them in 2 minutes and they can produce cash-flow for you 24/7 for years!  (Value $197)

BONUS #2 - 24/7 Access to Our LIVE Help and Support Community

Every day, 24 hours per day there will be a community of people "just like you" to interact with, ask questions, get help, be inspired by, share ideas, and more.  PLUS, you'll have LIVE access to multiple 7 figure earning online marketers and entrepreneurs whose main goal is to help you achieve FREEDOM faster.  (Value $97/mo.)

BONUS #3 - Lifetime Access to All Future Updates

Our goal is for you to have FREEDOM for life.  So this training will always be filled with the most up to date, what's working "RIGHT NOW" principle based training, strategies. (Value $297)

Total Value:  $1,088!

Get INSTANT Lifetime Access to All of This Training, Plus Any Future Upgrades Today!

Just a Single ONE TIME EVER Payment of Only $27!

(No Thanks.. I'll do it on my own for now.  Just Let me access the Escape Plan book)

Todd Geese

"Once I applied what is taught in The FreedomLaunchPad Formula, everything changed. I went from a struggling entrepreneur to a leader that creates cashflow on demand. I highly recommend The FreedomLaunchPad to anyone looking for more income, more time, and more freedom."

Rock Solid Guarantee:

We understand that Freedom is NOT for everyone.

Not everyone is committed enough to take the action required for success.  

We also know that as bad as some people want success... they are just not in a position to execute on it right now.

And that's ok.

You have a full 3 days to watch all the videos and go through all of the bonuses. If before your refund period is up, you feel like you did not get more than $27 worth of value... we will refund you. No questions asked.

(No Thanks.. I'll do it on my own for now.  Just Let me access the Escape Plan book)

You're Just a Few Clicks Away From Launching Into The FREEDOM You've Been Dreaming of!

Just imagine...

What would your life be like if you could sit down at your computer or laptop today...

Spend just 5 minutes typing a simple email...

Click send...

And pull money out of thin air! 

Not just right now... but whenever you want to for the rest of your life?

This is how ALL of my days have gone for over 15 years and counting!

And this is how they will continue to go for me, and for YOU, if you take advantage of what's in front of you and grab FREEDOMLaunchPad today!

You can dig in immediately and start implementing this formula today, and have an online cashflow business set up in 48 hours or less from right now.

We're so excited to see how the FREEDOMLaunchPad completely changes your time, your finances, and your freedom... just like it has ours and it's doing for the over 60,000 members who have decided they want the 30 Minute Workday lifestyle just like you!

Welcome to the community!

Nick, Mike, and Paul

P.S.  REMEMBER: You can either “work, work, work” for 40+ years, sacrificing your time and everything else you love, and HOPE that when you’re old and tired you’ll have time left to enjoy some amount of freedom…


You can build wealth FAR faster by using the same online cashflow producing FORMULA that TOP online millionaires have used since the beginning of the internet.

Your choice.

The FREEDOMLaunchPad will put you on the PATH you need to create Freedom starting this week!

(No Thanks.. I'll do it on my own for now.  Just Let me access the Escape Plan book)

Jim and Kristi Hall

"The FreedomLaunchPad Formula is like having ice cream after dinner, it fills in all the empty spaces. There was always something we just weren't quite getting in our businesses. The Formula has filled in the missing gaps to all of our marketing efforts."

Jim and Kristi Went From ZERO Sales, to HUGE Sales Spikes Every Month Using the FreedomLaunchPad Formula!

(No Thanks.. I'll do it on my own for now.  Just Let me access the Escape Plan book)

Copyright © 2020 The 30 Minute Workday™ and The Home Business Academy - All Rights Reserved.

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